Telegram Commands


🎭 USER COMMANDS- (KarmaBot AKA "Reputation System") ✔️ Commands: @username ++ For being cool and all #hashtag — +1 karma. @username -- I'm having a bad day #hashtag — −1 karma. @username N++ For bringing the ham #hashtag — +N karma. @username N-- For losing it. #hashtag — −N karma. You can also simply reply ++/--/N++/N-- to a message to create karma request. ⚠️(ABUSE THE SYSTEM = BANNED)⚠️ See THE TOP 10 Reputations /top See your dashboard. /dash 📑🤖 (Reply for name history) 🎭ADMIN COMMANDS- ⁉️🤖 @xxdamage2bot es en Espanol 🤖☠️ Group admins can run the following commands to punish non-groupadmins: - /kick <Username/Id/Reply> Will kick the user out of the group. They can rejoin with the group link / username. - /ban <Username/Id/Reply> Will ban the user out of the group. They are unable to rejoin the group, even if they have the group link / username. - /unban <Username/Id/Reply> Will unban a previously banned user from the group, so they can join it with the group link / username again. - /tempban <Username/Id/Reply> [Time limit] Will temporarily ban the user from the group. They can rejoin with the group link / username after the time limit expired. The time limit can be specified as following: NUMBER UNIT Where NUMBER is a whole, positive number and UNIT is day/days/d, hour/hours/h, minute/minutes/m. Please note that tempbans for more than 366 days will result in a permanent ban of the user. - /warn <Username/Id/Reply> Will give a warning to the user. When they reached the maximum amount of warns, they are punished depending on group settings. - /warnkick <Username/Id/Reply> Both warn and kick a user with only one command! Pure satisfaction! - /mute <Username/Id/Reply> Will mute the user in the group. They are unable to send any messages, but can still read incoming ones. - /tempmute <Username/Id/Reply> [Time limit] Will temporarily mute the user from the group. They can continue sending messages in the group after the time limit expired. The time limit can be specified as following: NUMBER UNIT Where NUMBER is a whole, positive number and UNIT is day/days/d, hour/hours/h, minute/minutes/m. Please note that tempmutes for more than 366 days will result in a permanent mute of the user. - /unmute <Username/Id/Reply> Will unmute a previously muted user in the group, so they can send messages in the group again. Please note: The commands kick, ban, tempban, mute and tempmute can also be used silently. This means, they will not make noise in the group and the command will be deleted again, but they are still logged. In on to use a command silently, start it with a "s" (/skick, /sban, ...) 🎭Extra-Commands- Extra-Commands are custom commands, where the bot will react to certain triggers, starting with a hashtag (#). Everyone in the group can trigger these commands, the output will be sent in the group or to the user's PM (depending on your group's settings in the /menu - /extra <#trigger> <Text/Reply> Add an extra command with the given trigger (#trigger) in this group. If an extra command with the given trigger already exists, it will be modified to the new output. - /extradel <#trigger> Delete an existing extra command with the given trigger (#trigger) from this group. 🎭Other Commands- Here are some various other useful commands: - /s <Reply> Will save the message you reply to to your private chat with the bot. - /clearkeys Remove the current custom keyboard in the group. Useful after spambot attacks or if other bots sent a keyboard to the group you'd like to get rid of. - /d <Reply> Delete the message you reply to, and delete the /d command as well. Users can delete their own messages in groups, admins can delete any messages with this command. - /pin <Reply> Pins the replied message in the group without notification for users. Can be used by group administrators. - /pinn <Reply> Pins the replied message in the group with notification for users. Can be used by group administrators. - /unpin Unpins the currently pinned message in the group. Can be used by group administrators.

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